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Organization Redesign

David E. Williams

Chief Logistics & Processing Operations Officer

Our mission continues to be to serve the American people and, through the universal service obligation,

bind our nation together by maintaining and operating our unique, vital and resilient infrastructure.

        • Organizational alignment in support of our mission and strategy

• Align functions based on core business operations

 • Provide more clarity and focus on what we do best; collect, process, move and deliver mail and packages

Read full article

 August 9, 2020

The NAPS National Executive Board met via teleconference on Sunday August 9, 2020 to discuss appealing the decision of the US District Court in Washington DC that dismissed NAPS’s lawsuit against the Postal Service, NAPS vs USPS.

NAPS legal counsel and attorneys representing NAPS HQ in the lawsuit gave a presentation to the Board discussing NAPS’s legal options to appeal the case to the US District Court of Appeals in Washington DC.

Each executive board member was allowed 2-3 minutes to make comments or ask questions, with appropriate follow up questions/comments.

The following motion was submitted by B Wagner, 2nd by K Trayer.

The NAPS Executive Board authorizes and approves NAPS's legal counsel to file an appeal of the July 17, 2020 decision of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia that dismissed NAPS's lawsuit against the U.S. Postal Service to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

Motion passed – Voting Yes (20) Wagner, Butts, Mulidore, R Green, Johnson, Walton, Douglas, Dallojacono, Griffin, Needham, Trayer, Moreno, Mooney, B Green, Quinlan, Rowel, S Green, McCracken, Pashinski, C Lum. Voting No (2) Roma, Warden.

Abstain (1) Elizondo. Not Voting – Ford, Board Chairman.

Respectfully submitted,

Charles A Mulidore

NAPS Secretary Treasurer

(Download PDF)

Continuation on Letters of Warning in Lieu of Time off Suspension ---Information Shareable

If you are subjected to a Letter of Warning in Lieu of Time off Suspension, always respond within the ELM time limits in the appeal procedures.   If you or your NAPS representative need additional time to respond, don't hesitate to send your request in writing to the deciding official.   A response should also be relatively quick, but monitor your request closely as some deciding officials feel they do not have to respond or forget to respond.    In addition, don't hesitate to utilize ADR/mediation afforded to you. 

It is recommended that you always request the ADR process 652.5 regarding mediation 652.53.  Your NAPS representative can assist you with this process.  This is another avenue to possible settle the proposed discipline.  There are time limits for this request, so you need to submit your request quickly.  The proposed LOW in Lieu should contain the mediation information.   If for any reason your request is denied by the National EEO Compliance and Appeals Programs notify your NAPS Area VP immediately.  

651.6 Letters of Warning in Lieu of Time–Off Suspensions

651.64 Response

The employee and/or his or her representative may respond to the proposed letter of warning in lieu of time-off suspension in writing and/or in person to the deciding official (management at a higher level of authority than the individual who issued the proposed letter of warning in lieu of time-off suspension) within 10 calendar days of receipt. You must include the name and title of the deciding official in your response.

651.65 Decision

The deciding official, after consideration of the facts of the case and the employee’s response, issues a letter of decision after the expiration of the 10–calendar day period for reply, but no later than 30 calendar days following the receipt of the employee’s response. The decision letter will advise the employee that he or she may appeal in writing within 15 calendar days of receipt of the letter of decision.

651.66 Retention

Letters of warning in lieu of time–off suspensions remain in the employee’s OPF and/or eOPF for two years unless otherwise resolved or cited in subsequent disciplinary action.

652.5 Alternative Dispute Resolution

The Postal Service supports the use of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process of mediation to address employee appeals relating to nonbargaining disciplinary actions. Participation in mediation by an appellant is voluntary.

652.51 Exceptions

Mediation may not be appropriate in cases where the charges involve egregious misconduct, criminal activity, repeated misconduct, inability to perform, and other conduct as determined by the Postal Service. Additionally, mediation may not be appropriate where the appeal concerns issues beyond the control of the Postal Service, such as the denial of Workers’ Compensation benefits, retirement eligibility determinations, and similar matters adjudicated by other agencies. The determination of whether to grant mediation in a particular case is within the discretion of the Postal Service.

652.52 Mediation

Mediation programs will be implemented by area offices under guidelines issued by the manager, National EEO Compliance and Appeals Programs.

652.53 Mediation for Letters of Warning in Lieu of Time–off Suspensions and/or for Time–off Suspensions

An employee issued a proposed letter of warning in lieu of a time–off suspension, or a time–off suspension in Office of Inspector General cases, may request mediation as an alternative to his/her right to respond to the deciding official as outlined in 651.64. If no resolution is reached between the employee and the proposing official as a result of the mediation, the employee may submit written responses to the proposed letter of warning in lieu of a time–off suspension within 10 calendar days of the mediation to the deciding official. The deciding official will issue a letter of decision regarding the proposed action in accordance with 651.65. The employee may appeal the decision pursuant to 652.3.

Hasta Luego,  

John Aceves

NAPS Branch 376 Support Assistant

Message # 1

The Postal Service following consultation with the management associations (NAPS, NAPUS, LEAGUE)  has decided to grant a one percent salary increase for nonbargaining employees whose fiscal year (FY) 2014 Pay for Performance (PFP) National Performances Assessment (NPA) composite ratings fall in either cells 2 or 3 of the current PFP Matrix.  For a copy of this letter check the naps.org web site!

“The Postal Service’s unprecedented  financial challenges continued throughout FY2014.  The efforts of our supervisory, managerial, Postmaster, and all nonbargaining employees contributed toward the high quality service we rendered successfully to our customers.  This one percent increase for eligible employees whose composite ratings fall in either Cells 2 or 3 for FY 2014 recognizes those efforts.  There is no other change to the 2014 PFP matrix.”

This exception is nonprecendential and applies only to the FY2014 PFP program.  As discussed. we will meet early in January 2015 to consult over potential modications to the PFP Matrix for FY 2015.

This letter was signed by Doug A. Tulino, VP

USPS Labor Relations

Message # 2


NAPS Executive Board,

Attached are notices that will be mailed to active and former employees who had DOL/OWCP information in the Postal Service network that may have been compromised in the cyber intrusion. While the USPS cannot confirm that the subject information left our network, the possibility cannot be ruled out.  The various letters cover different circumstances.  A brief explanation of those different circumstances is attached.  The mailing will begin today and will be completed by Wednesday, December 17. Please distribute this information to your members.

NAPS Headquarters

Say Adieu to NAPSHQ2U ! (Farewell)

NAPSHQ2U started in September 2010. However, our reach has hit a plateau of membership interest. Much of the information we share in the monthly NAPSHQ2U newsletter is also available on our NAPS website and in The Postal Supervisor magazine. Therefore, to reduce redundancy of information, but also guide and encourage members to visit our newly designed NAPS website. NAPS HQ elected to retire NAPSHQ2U after our December 2017 issue.

NAPS HQ thanks you for being a part of this very unique and fun online newsletter. It has been a great seven year run. Please visit the newly designed www.naps.org.

Read the full story here: Word   Pdf

NAPS News Break, Oct 24, 2018

Trump to Withdraw from_Postal_Treaty-101718

Board Memo 064-2020: USPS HQ Extends Additional Pay for Field EAS Managers to Dec. 31, 2020

Executive Board,

USPS HQ has extended the May 20, 2020 memorandum with NAPS regarding the temporarily modified pay provision for specific Field FLSA-Exempt Managers to December 31, 2020. This memorandum was to expire on September 25, but has again been extended to the end of calendar year 2020.

Please share the attached and this Board Memo with your membership. The memo will also be posted on the Bulletin Board of NAPS website, www.naps.org. Thank you and continue to stay and be safe.

NAPS Headquarters

USPS Response to NAPS 9-23-2020 Temp Modified Pay.pdf
